Generasi GIGIH Reflection Learning Week 3 : Halfway Through

Pradya Mutiarahma
2 min readJul 26, 2021

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — President Theodore Roosevelt.

To be honest, it does not feel like 3 weeks. time flies so fast. But, let me tell you about everything I have been experienced in the past 3 weeks of Intermediate Level at Generasi GIGIH.

In the past two weeks we learned about theory, like what is data analyst, the type of it, step in doing data analytics, and essential steps in creating an analysis doc. I enjoyed learn about that because now I knew things I never know before. BUT, this week happened. The module is more into a technical session. And I enjoyed it even more.

In the 3 sessions that we had during this weekend, we learned about what is SQL, all the things we need to know about SQL, window function, and how to create an effective query. We learned about Bigquery using the Google Cloud Platform to practice. In every session, we had like 3–7 hands-on/practices that we can do on our own and that’s really help me a lot in understanding the materials. And not to forget, our mentors are really cool. We had kak Hasbi as BI at Gofood, kak Favian as Data Warehouse Engineer, and kak Aditi as Data Scientist (She’s from India! how cool right!).

I think in doing SQL, all you need to understand is what do you want to find or what is being asked to solve. It is the most important part, after you understand that all you need to do is write the query about it. Not gonna lie, sometime I still have struggle to understand the assignment, but I learned a lot to take care of it in this module.

So, if I am being asked how much effort I put into following the learning process in this #GenerasiGIGIH from a scale of 1–100%, I would say 90%. I always try to join on time in every meeting and until now I never missed a class, only that two times I had to accidentally quit the meeting because of my electricity went off and my wifi’s dead, but that’s doesn’t count right?! I always tried to absorb all the knowledges gained from each session, I sometimes wrote some notes on my notebook, or screenshot some parts I thought might be helpful for me.

I always curious how do my friends at Generasi GIGIH keeping their performance during this Intermediate Level and how do they improve theirself or the knowledge they’ve gained outside of the learning session. I feel like I need to know that because I just feel like I need some inspirations.

I really love doing this, writing and sharing my experiences. Hope I also have a lot to share in the next post. I’ll see you soon. Ciao! x

Week 3 of intermediate level with kak Hasbi, Kak Favian and kak Aditi

